
Course Introduction

Welcome to "Health and Safety Essentials for DSE Users in the EU," a comprehensive training course designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) use in the workplace. This course is tailored for employers, HR professionals, health and safety officers, and anyone who regularly uses DSE as part of their daily work within the European Union context.

Through this program, you will explore the EU's regulatory framework, understand the health risks associated with prolonged DSE use, and learn how to implement effective risk management strategies to create a safer, more ergonomic workspace. From conducting risk assessments in compliance with Directive 90/270/EEC to adopting best practices for workstation setup and eye care, we will guide you every step of the way.

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Introduction – Sofema Online (SOL) takes a deep dive into the role & purpose of the Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP)

Continuing Airworthiness (CAW)

Definition - Continuing Airworthiness management is the process by which an aircraft is kept in a condition where it remains airworthy throughout its life - or in other words i.e. technically fit for flight. In the words of ICAO:

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Presented by Sofema Online (SOL)


In the context of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations, the distinction between Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) is not just a matter of semantics but a regulatory requirement. EASA mandates that QA and QC serve distinct, yet complementary roles within the aviation sector, specifically emphasizing the independence of QA from production processes, in contrast to QC's direct involvement.

The requirement for QA to remain independent from, yet collaboratively engaged with, QC and production processes, highlights EASA's nuanced approach to aviation safety and quality control.

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Sofema Online (SOL) considers key aspects related to addressing airport and airplane security.


In response to the escalating issue of aircraft hijackings, the U.S. government explored various strategies to enhance airport and flight security.

To effectively counteract this security challenge, a multifaceted approach was adopted, emphasizing best practices such as:

Layered Security Approach to address diverse threats. Implementing multiple layers of security, from perimeter fencing and surveillance to passenger screening and in-flight security measures, helps to mitigate risks and address various threat vectors. Incorporating multiple security layers, including:

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Here we consider a broad overview of EASA regulations, focusing on the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) main objectives, priorities, and how they shape quality assurance efforts within the aviation sector.

EASA Regulations Overview

EASA regulations are comprehensive, covering all facets of aviation safety and enabling the demonstration of compliance with the relevant ICAO Standard and recommended practices. These regulations are divided into several annexes, referred to as "Parts," each addressing different areas of aviation:

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