Introduction to Performance Coaching in Aviation Operations & Maintenance

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Sofema Online takes a look at the process by which an organisation can engage with activities related to enabling Performance Coaching.

What is a Performance Coach?

First, to consider the role of Leaders & Managers, Leaders typically share their visions and drive the business process to reach the goal whilst Managers strive to deliver results by exerting controls within an organisational business structure and within an agreed budget.

The role of a “Performance Coach” is to engage with the client and encourage the client to reach a conclusion without the coach providing your interpretation of events or giving directions. The whole point of coaching is for the client to reach their own conclusions and understandings and to determine their own actions.

So we could say that a coach’s role is to gently guide promptly their client’s thinking without being either judgmental or presenting any prejudice. Coaching can easily become a part of organisational culture & behaviour including team briefings/meetings as well as encourage such activities as a function of, individual development and customer-focused activities.

What makes a good Performance Coach?

The ability to listen is fundamental to becoming a good Performance Coach as well as ensuring your full attention to both the spoken word as well as the body language on display.

Be able to use open question techniques as an enabler to explore the client’s attitude and approach to a given subject by opening up a “window” in the client's mind.

Effective coaching supports the organisations entire business value structure and provides an environment whereby all team members feel supported by and encouraged to continue self-development.

An effective coach is passionate about the role and accepts the need for continuous development both of self and mechanisms (tools) for engagement.

Being focused and able to measure & monitor ongoing situations is an essential attribute of a highly effective coach as well as having the capacity to learn from and discuss best practice techniques with other coaches.

We have to accept that active support from the coach needs to be measured and consistent additionally to be delivered with a measure of empathy.

For the process to be highly effective an important element of the relationship is the trust that develops between the coach and the client so that the client develops a feeling of well being whilst exploring their own thoughts and believes.

Next Steps

To explore Sofema Online Aviation Leadership Program and to see the other courses which are available as part of the program, please visit or email

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